The best quality Melanotan 2 nasal tanning spray.
The best quality Melanotan 2 nasal tanning spray.

Melanotan 2 dosage

Recommended dosage for our Melanotan 2 nasal spray

If it is the first time you’re using this product:
Always start with a very low dose and follow the dosage information that is included with your product.

Please do not use TurboTan if you have any of the following conditions: any allergies including food, allergic rhinitis, asthma, if you are pregnant or you are breast feeding, or if you suffer with any respiratory conditions.

Dosage Directions:
Start by taking one spray on day one and one spray on day two. On day number three and four you can take two sprays (one in the morning and one in the evening). Then increase it by one spray per day after every two days, but do not exceed a total of three sprays per day (one in the morning, one at midday and one in the evening), if you weigh less than 60kg (9.4 stone). If you weigh more than 60kg, do not exceed a total of six sprays per day (two in the morning, two at midday and two in the evening) as it could make your freckles darker (something that will go away when you stop using the product). Once your tan starts to develop, reduce the dosage to one/two sprays per day as maintenance or use slightly more for a darker colour or slightly less for a lighter colour. Please note that during the loading phase, your tan will only develop when the 10ml bottle is almost finished as the product builds up in your system. Subsequent bottles should last around a month or longer. If it is your first time using the product, use at least 10ml during the loading phase and another 10ml for maintenance (see our starter kit under the products section). If your bodyweight is above 95kg (15 stone), then you might need to increase the above slightly and make sure to initially buy three bottles instead of the starter pack.

The 10ml nasal spray bottle (60 sprays) contains exactly 10mg of Melanotan 2 (0.01% w/v), Preservative: Sodium Chloride.

Keep out of the sight and reach of children. Do not use after the ‘EXP’ date shown on the pack. Use within four months of first use. Do not store above 30°C and keep refrigerated if possible.

Possible side-effects: Like all products, this product can cause side effects, although not everybody gets them. Stop using the product if you experience side-effects that may include burning and stinging. If you experience allergic reactions such as hives, swelling or difficulty breathing, stop using the product and seek medical help immediately.